Monday, June 2, 2008

Shayla and Arie's Wedding

Shayla and Arie's wedding took place on March 1, 2008. The location was at the Paloma Dairy Farm which Arie's family owns near Gila Bend in Arizona. It was a bit of a drive for the photographers (Jason, Shaun and John) but was it ever worth it. What a blast!!

The wedding itself took place in an alfalfa field on the farm itself with the reception taking place inside the family airplane hanger. Over 300 people witnessed this unique wedding on a beautiful March 1st day. The weather could not have been better and what a sunset we photographed those two in.
Shayla's sister, Shannon (a professional wedding planner by the way) did double duty. She not only planed out her sisters wedding to perfection but was one of the brides maids. All this and being a couple months pregnant. WOW!

Honey Bears restaurant catered all the food for this feast. Shannon's husband Mark is the manager of one of the Honey Bears that his father owns. Mark made sure all the food was cooked to perfection.

If you would like to view a beautiful slide show with 100 or so of our favorite images from Shayla and Ari's wedding click here.
To find out more about our photography studio go here:
posted by Fresh Look Images at


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