East Valley Bridal Affair!

The East valley Bridal Affair was a big success on Sunday, September 28th. For a
small show and venue we had a good crowd.

It was a blast for me, Shaun, Jason and Scott because we not only had a chance to shoot lots of free engagements for the couples that came but we were on TV too. Channel 3 did live TV and interviewed us before the show showing my two good looking son's (chip off the old block) photographing a young engaged couple.
Thank you Laura and Delia for all your hard work making the show a success!
A big thanks to the Windemere Hotel for there great accommodations for the show and the wonderful breakfast they provided before hand.

If you would like to view a slide show we have made of the show, click here: East Valley Bridal Show
If you are a vendor and would like me to email a copy of an image that you see on the show, email me the request to johntarr@freshlookimages.com I will need the number of the image. When the slide show runs if you put your cursor at the top of the images a number will appear. We need that number.

you guys have all the fun.
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